Category: Latest News

Rice Crispy Buns

As part of our procedural writing lessons we made Rice Crispy buns… the best part was enjoying our treats!!

Skeletons 2023

2nd, 3rd and 4th class learned all about bones and had great fun making their own skeletons!

Fire Safety May 2023

A great morning learning all about fire safety.  Thank you to local firemen Anthony and Ronan.

GAA Blitz May 2023

A great day at Fintra. Blitz organised by TY students in St. Catherine’s.  Well done everyone!

Spring Walk

We went for a lovely Spring Walk and we saw baby lambs.  We even had a surprise visit to Eugene’s house.  He told us all about the Giant’s chair, showed us his work shop and how a fire extinguisher works!

Garda Aistear!
We had a visit from An Garda Síochána!

We had a visit from An Garda Síochána! They showed us a presentation all about their work.  We got to try on their uniform and even got a sneak peek inside the Garda Car!

World Book Day 2023
Flu Information Leaflet
Flu Information Leaflet

Flu information leaflet 2022

The Nasal Flu vaccine is now available for children aged 2-17 years of age.

It can be accessed FREE at participating GPs or Pharmacies.

The HSE has asked us to pass this information on to parents.

Download the leaflet…

Water Bottles
Water Bottles

In an effort to reduce the amount of single-use plastic in the school (and the environment) the pupils of The Commons N.S. in Killybegs decided to take affirmative action.  Led by the school’s “Green Team” they conducted a survey over a number of weeks and concluded that a definite action plan was needed.  They sought sponsorship for “reusable” bottles and were delighted when the Atlantic Dawn Group responded and willingly agreed to sponsor their ambitious project.  After much research a suitable product and supplier was sourced and the project concluded with each pupil receiving the “branded bottle”.  Acknowledging that this is only a “small step” in world terms, they believe every little bit counts and we all need to “do our little bit” going forward.  So remember the motto “Think Globally, act locally.”